World Water Day

World Water Day ~ Cascade on Hare Creek, Limekiln State Park, Big Sur, California
Cascade on Hare Creek, Limekiln State Park, Big Sur, California

March 22nd is World Water Day – a time to celebrate the spring season and our most precious natural resource. It’s easy to take for granted when we’ve had a wet winter and a bottle or tap is always within arms reach,  but we share the planet with nearly 1 billion people who don’t have access to safe clean drinking water or sanitation. That’s a hard fact to swallow when you consider that most of the earth’s surface is water.

The United Nations first began the celebration back in 1993 and it’s grown significantly over the years as a platform for education and public support. Each year, one of the many UN agencies involved in water issues spearheads a campaign to promote and coordinate international activities. The theme of World Water Day 2024 is ‘Water for Peace’, and focuses on fostering harmony, generating prosperity and building resilience to shared challenges.

On the world front, there are many ways to help those less fortunate than ourselves, and at home simple conservation can have a profound effect. I’m proud to be involved with Photographers for Good and the Plus One Collection, which has use its resources to support The Samburu Project building wells in Kenya. I can think of no greater reward than inspiring others to enjoy the beauty of nature, while helping to provide life’s most basic necessity to those in need.

Here in the west this years winter storms have helped to offset years of drought, but whatever the conditions at home we should always remember that water is a precious commodity essential for life. So enjoy that drink and spread the word throughout the year (and don’t forget to turn off the tap). 


©Russ Bishop/All Rights Reserved

American Galapagos – Channel Islands National Park

American Galapagos - Channel Islands National Park. Channel Islands National Park. Channel Island Fox (Urocyon littoralis), Channel Islands National Park, California
Channel Island Fox (Urocyon littoralis), Channel Islands National Park, California

American Galapagos – Channel Islands National Park

The Channel Islands of California are a chain of eight islands located off the coast of Southern California in the Santa Barbara Channel.  Five of the islands (San Miguel, Santa Rosa, Santa Cruz, Anacapa, and Santa Barbara) were designated Channel Islands National Park on March 5, 1980 as our 40th national park, and are co-managed by the National Park Service and the Nature Conservancy.

Often referred to as America’s Galapagos, the Channel Islands are home to over 2,000 plant and animal species and 145 of those are found nowhere else on earth!  The island fox (shown here) is one example – a dwarf fox native to six of the eight Islands.  Due to their geographic isolation these curious creatures have no immunity to disease brought in from the mainland, and as a result their population dwindled to near extinction in the 1990s.  Fortunately they were federally protected as an endangered species in 2004, and efforts to rebuild fox populations and restore their ecosystems have been quite successful.

The archeological and cultural resources on the Channel Islands span a period of more than 12,000 years of human habitation.  The Chumash Indians lived off the sea for thousands of years followed by Spanish and American cattle ranches that thrived in the nineteenth century. Over the years, archaeologists have unearthed an amazing timeline dating back to the Pleistocene, including the world’s most complete pygmy mammoth specimen discovered on Santa Rosa Island in 1994.

The Islands are also part of one of the richest marine biospheres of the world.  The Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary protects the surrounding waters six nautical miles off Anacapa, Santa Cruz, San Miguel, Santa Rosa, and Santa Barbara islands, where a whole new world invites exploration above and below the surface.


©Russ Bishop/All Rights Reserved

Finding Balance

Finding Balance. Triple Falls, Glacier National Park, Montana
Triple Falls, Glacier National Park, Montana

Finding balance. The notion of coming together to create symmetry spans the worlds of economics, mathematics, computing, and natural science. Systems that work together to form a more unified whole are greater than the sum of their parts. They are efficient and economical, and equally important on the human side they create a sense of harmony and well-being.

It is a natural human desire to find equilibrium in our lives, and for many the definition of success is living a balanced life. Landscape photography is a wonderful medium in this sense as it provides us with an outlet for creating visual harmony. What we express through our lens is an extension of our personality and our vision of the world around us.

Webster defines balance as “an aesthetically pleasing integration of elements” and, while the evolution of our photographic vision is an ongoing journey, learning to find balance in your compositions does become second nature with practice.

The juxtaposition of color and form within the frame is often the key, and learning to recognize and integrate them into your photography will translate into more dynamic and satisfying images that hopefully reflect that balance we all strive to find in life.



©Russ Bishop/All Rights Reserved