My Backyard

My Backyard. Sunset over the Channel Islands from Ventura State Beach, Ventura, California USA
Sunset over the Channel Islands from Ventura State Beach, Ventura, California

As a landscape photographer I spend a fair amount of time on the road each year often traveling hundreds or thousands of miles to remote locations. So it struck a chord when it was recently suggested within the online community of photographers to showcase images of those special places that are close to home – essentially in our backyard.

I’m fortunate to have a national park adjacent to my community and, although it’s 11 miles offshore in the Pacific Ocean and I don’t make it out there as often as I’d like, I do get to see it most every day. Channel Islands National Park is made up of five of the eight Channel Islands with Santa Cruz seen here being the largest. The islands are rich in Native American culture and wildlife, and are a diver’s paradise. But even from afar they make a wonderful setting for a classic Southern California sunset.

When planning your next photographic adventure don’t overlook the local gems that are within easy reach and may provide just as much visual opportunity as those popular locations miles from home.


©Russ Bishop/All Rights Reserved