Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain

Fall color along the Merced River, Yosemite National Park, California
Fall color along the Merced River, Yosemite National Park, California

In landscape photography we often previsualize a scene in our mind’s eye prior to arriving at a location in order to achieve the final image. Then, working backwards with our equipment selection and knowledge of the scene, we assess the conditions and create that vision.

At the center of this process, our brain is constantly switching back and forth between two ways of perceiving and processing the reality around us — one verbal and analytic, the other visual and perceptual. While the left brain is logical, rationally using words to describe concepts and able to manipulate abstract ideas, numbers and the concept of time, the right brain, in contrast, takes on a holistic approach, sensing relationships and patterns, and tends to be intuitive, emotional, and irrational with no sense of time – much like a child.

When we photograph it is our left brain that confirms the proper exposure, balances the histogram, levels the horizon, and insists that the rule of thirds be followed at all times. From a creative standpoint, this is where we want the right brain to take over and make a subjective leap of faith. By recognising how our brain functions, we have the ability to tap into our creative side and develop new ways of seeing.

Betty Edward’s treatise “Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain” takes a thoughtful look into the fascinating way that our brain works in tandem to balance our creative and cognitive traits. Based on this premise, that the left and right hemispheres of the brain process information in very different ways, she suggests that we can subjectively stimulate our creative responses to the world around us by suppressing the dominant and calculating left side and focusing on the right. Though the book references artists and drawing in particular, it is equally relevant to any of the visual arts.

So the next time you feel the need to expand your visual horizons, resist the temptation to buy another lens or Lightroom filter (as your left brain would likely suggest), and pick up this book instead. The development of your creative perception is an invaluable tool that will serve you well the rest of your life, and the only requirement is time and practice.

©Russ Bishop/All Rights Reserved

Canadian Rockies Redux

Dawn light on Mount Edith Cavell reflected in Cavell Lake, Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada (Russ Bishop/Russ Bishop Photography)

Dawn light on Mount Edith Cavell reflected in Cavell Lake, Jasper National Park, Canada

Near the northern end of the Icefields Parkway in Jasper National Park, Mount Edith Cavell is one of the most spectacular peaks in the Canadian Rockies. Although it is visible from the town of Jasper, a trek to the high glacial lakes and alpine meadows surrounding the peak should be mandatory for anyone visiting this special park.

Named after a British nurse who was executed during World War I for her part in helping Allied prisoners escape, the sublime beauty of this mountain rising above the still waters of Cavell Lake rivals any of the great peaks of the world. A winding 9 mile road climbs steadily from the Icefields Parkway through sub-alpine forests to a parking lot directly below the looming north face. From there a short walk leads to this tranquil scene at Cavell Lake, and a slightly longer hike traverses the moraine to the iceberg filled meltwater at the base of the Angel Glacier.

For those with more time and energy, the trail to Cavell Meadows is a photographer’s paradise. As you climb up a series of switchbacks to the meadows the views of Mount Edith Cavell, Angel Glacier, Cavell Glacier and Cavell pond are stunning. Like many of the lakes in the Canadian Rockies glacial silt (also known as rock flour) gives the water its incredible blue hue. Wildlife is abundant in the area and hoary marmots and pikas call out their warnings on the rocky slopes and ridge lines above the lake.

The Canadian Rockies offer a wealth of hiking and photographic potential within four national parks. For the first time visitor it can be a challenge taking it all in, but this is one alpine experience that should not be missed.

©Russ Bishop/All Rights Reserved