The Fire Within

The Fire Within - Lava flow entering the ocean at dawn, Hawaii Volcanoes National Park,, Hawaii
Lava flow entering the ocean at dawn, Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, Hawaii

The Fire Within. For more than a quarter century Madame Pele the goddess of fire has let her temperament be known on the Big Island of Hawaii. Often without warning she has re-awakened many times during a forty-year period sending a river of lava flowing into the sea and creating one of the most active volcanoes on earth.

This image made in the pre-dawn hours in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park shows the raw force of fire and water combining to form new land. It is an incredible spectacle to witness and one of the most challenging subjects I have ever photographed.

For many years walking across miles of a’a lava fields (the sharp brittle variety) in the dark and carefully setting up a tripod on a newly formed shelf above the sea was the only option. But when the lava began flowing into the sea an off-shore view provided a new perspective to this ever-changing landscape.

In stark contrast to shooting the lush forests and beautiful beaches on the windward side of this same island, this is a land of raw earth and fire – and beauty of a different kind. The experience is intoxicating, and once you’ve caught your first glimpse of Pele’s glow the desire to return again and again is hard to resist.


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