The Wilderness Act

"The Wilderness Act" ~ Autumn hues and fresh powder, John Muir Wilderness, California
“The Wilderness Act” ~ Autumn hues in the John Muir Wilderness, California

Fifty-seven years ago on September 3rd, 1964 President Lyndon Johnson signed the Wilderness Act into law preserving over 9 million acres of wilderness – a place where people could experience nature with minimal impact on the environment and wildlife. Since then Congress has added more than 100 million acres of wilderness area creating a natural legacy for future generations, and a sanctuary to recharge our creative and spiritual batteries apart from today’s fast-paced urban world.

The legislation established the National Wilderness Preservation System, which recognizes wilderness as “an area where the Earth and its community of life are untrammeled by man, where man himself is a visitor who does not remain.” Unlike the National Parks, there is no management plan for traffic flow, employee housing or curio shops because there is simply no need. It is truly wild – nature in all its unprocessed beauty.

In this sense the two compliment each other nicely. Where the National Parks serve to protect iconic landforms and historic sites that might otherwise be subject to erosion, vandalism or overuse, wilderness areas often lack the spectacular formations which draw the masses and are instantly recognizable, but provide instead a subtle beauty and remote quality that begs for exploration and contemplation.

Ansel Adams spent the better part of his life working to preserve wilderness through his photographs and tireless appeals to Congress, and his images continue to define the power that nature has in our lives. I feel fortunate to be able to share my own view of the natural world through photography, but more importantly I’m glad those who came before me had the foresight and courage to preserve these special places where we can find renewal and experience our planet in its original untouched form.

“In wilderness I sense the miracle of life, and behind it our scientific accomplishments fade to trivia.”  – Charles A. Lindbergh


©Russ Bishop/All Rights Reserved

Nature as Medicine

Trail through moss covered forest along the Columbia River, Fort Cascade National Historic Site, Washington
Trail through moss covered forest along the Columbia River, Fort Cascade National Historic Site, Washington

As the world struggles with a pandemic not seen in our lifetime it’s important to focus on the positive. Social distancing and working from home has become the new norm, but creative ways to stay healthy and a shift in the thinking of health care providers have also emerged.

Prior to the current situation an interesting phenomenon had already been taking hold in the medical profession. Just when the cost of health insurance had skyrocketed, doctors across the country began trying a new approach. Instructing their patients to “take a hike” as a prescription for good health – literally.

They’re not trying to show you the door, but instead are medicating patients with nature to treat everything from heart disease to attention deficit disorder. Detailed prescriptions are often written to include park or preserve locations, specific trails and mileage. In many ways, as Ken Burns pointed out in his excellent series “America’s Best Idea”, our national park system can and should be an integral part of our healthcare system.

As a landscape photographer, I typically spend a great deal of time on and off the trail, and I feel fortunate that my work not only helps to protect these special places, but promotes my health in the process. Photography and outdoor recreation have always been an ideal match, and now they can be considered part of your health regimen. They could even lower your medical bills – and that’s an idea worth spreading!

“Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.”    ― Rachel Carson


©Russ Bishop/All Rights Reserved

Change is in the Air

Fall aspens under Sierra peaks from South Lake, John Muir Wilderness, California
Fall aspens under Sierra peaks from South Lake, John Muir Wilderness, California

It’s the first of September – the days are getting shorter, and there is a crispness in the air that definitely signals the close of summer. This is my favorite time of year when the crowds give way to the colors of fall, and the natural world seems to come alive once again with a riot of color.

It’s always hard to predict just when and where the peak of autumn color will occur, and sudden temperature changes play a large part in the timing from year to year. As a general rule the higher elevations in the western mountains tend to peak late September to early October, the eastern hardwoods around mid-October, while desert canyons such as Zion and Capitol Reef typically show their full colors in early November.

If the last two big winters are any indication of what’s to come it’s possible the season may be cut short as early snows cause the leaves to turn brown or drop prematurely. But if your timing is right, you can have the best of both worlds with one season visually ushering in the next.


©Russ Bishop/All Rights Reserved