Get The Insurance, Shots

Peninsular Bighorn Sheep (Ovis canadensis cremnobates), Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, California USA (Russ Bishop/Russ Bishop Photography)

Peninsular Bighorn Sheep, Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, California

Wildlife photography is not my specialty, but I never pass up the opportunity to add a dynamic element to my landscapes when the local fauna is easily accessible. On a recent trip to Anza-Borrego Desert State Park I had heard that the endangered Peninsular Bighorn Sheep were frequenting the canyons, so I made a point of seeking out these magnificent animals. Still after three days in the park and many miles on the trail I had plenty of great images of blooming succulents and lush oasis, but not a single animal.

Then shortly before leaving the park I decided to make one last trip up Borrego Palm Canyon where, just a half mile up the trail, this handsome creature appeared on the ridge above me. Assuming I might only get a glimpse before he darted up the canyon wall, I took my obligatory insurance shots then waited to see his reaction. Much to my surprise he wasn’t in a hurry, so I left the trail (in a wide arc giving him plenty of room) to get a better angle. At first he was attentive to my movement but not agitated as I crossed the ridge and moved closer, then he seemed to accept my presence and for the next hour provided me with an amazing one-on-one photo session that I won’t soon forget.

Now I would have loved to have ended the day on that note, but unfortunately as the title of this post suggests, my luck had run its course. Not twenty minutes after heading down the trail, I somehow managed to slip on a rock (something I haven’t done in 35 years of traipsing through the wilderness), fell hard on my right side, and watched in horror as my Nikon body and 70-200mm lens lay in five pieces not far from my head. Fortunately I wasn’t injured and my equipment was insured. In fact, the great people at Rand Insurance (who underwrite my Nanpa policy) were so efficient that I was able to replace the equipment within ten days – just in time for an upcoming trip to Europe.

So if there is a moral to this story, it’s to keep taking those insurance shots when opportunity presents itself (and with a little luck you’ll come away with much more). And above all, make sure your equipment policy is up to date!

©Russ Bishop/All Rights Reserved

Mono Lake

Tufa formations at sunset on the south shore of Mono Lake, Mono Basin National Scenic Area, California USA (© Russ Bishop/

Evening light on tufa towers at the south shore, Mono Lake, California

The Mono Lake Tufa State Natural Reserve, which was established in 1982, is one of 70 parks, historic buildings and monuments that California State Park officials plan to close by the end of June 2012 due to budget restraints. The famous south shore tufa will still be accessible (as will the rest of the lake), but the visitor center and information kiosks will likely close and with them a valuable educational resource that has helped keep Mono Lake alive.

Since the early part of the 20th century, the water rights along the eastern Sierra Nevada mountains have been hotly contested with the construction of the Los Angeles aqueduct. The classic story of how Mulholland bought up the ranch lands of the Owen’s Valley to build his dream and bring water to the desert of Southern California is well-documented in the movie Chinatown, and the subsequent LA Department of Water and Power has been in court many times over the years as a result.

Mono Lake has no outlet and its proximity near the start of the LA aqueduct makes it critically dependent on the naturally flowing streams that feed into it from the nearby Sierra. It’s highly saline waters are a perfect breeding ground for brine shrimp, which in turn are the staple diet for over 2,000,000 migratory birds that visit the lake each year (including the second largest nesting population of California gulls in the US).

Fortunately we’ve had a couple of very wet winters and Mono Lake is receiving the water it needs for now. But with the growing demand of a rapidly expanding and thirsty west, its future remains uncertain.

©Russ Bishop/All Rights Reserved

Devil’s Postpile

Afternoon light on cliff and blocks of columnar basalt at Devil's Postpile, Devil's Postpile National Monument, California (Russ Bishop/Russ Bishop Photography)

Cliff and columnar basalt, Devil’s Postpile National Monument, California

This small national monument near Mammoth Lakes in the eastern Sierra Nevada is celebrating its centennial this week. It was spared a watery burial one hundred years ago today when congress saved it from a proposed dam on July 6, 1911.

Its unusual basalt columns are the by-product of an ancient lava lake, which rapidly formed and then cooled leaving behind the perfectly shaped hexagonal pillars that make up the cliff. The constant force of winter freeze and thaw is slowly eroding the formation, and the symmetrical blocks that look as though they were snapped together are littered at its base like a child’s building blocks.

The road to the monument, which is closed in winter but easily accessible the rest of the year, is just past the Mammoth Mountain ski area and is also the jumping off point for the popular Minarets and Ansel Adams Wilderness.

©Russ Bishop/All Rights Reserved