Going, going, gone…

Man sitting on rock looking at icebergs on lake below Mount Edith Cavell, Canadian Rockies, Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada (Russ Bishop/Russ Bishop Photography)

My last post illustrated the dramatic destruction that mother nature can unleash from below the earth’s surface – a powerful force that destroys everything in its path. Still as devastating (and impressive) as a volcanic eruption can be, it’s an isolated event and the damage it causes is limited in scope.

In contrast, global warming is an unnatural event that although much slower than lava (and much less attractive) has a far greater impact on our planet. As a nature photographer I’m naturally concerned about the effect this has on the source of my livelihood and the places I’m passionate about, and as an environmentalist I’m doing everything I can to reduce my carbon footprint from driving a hybrid to filling my downtime with muscle powered sports.

It’s ironic that NASA just discovered water on the moon that may someday support human life, while the waters here at home are continuing to rise!